New York Center
JFK Airport
LGA Airport
EWR Airport
PHL Airport

Preferred Route Search

Preferred Route Search Results

No Results!
Origin Route Destination Type Area Altitude Aircraft CTR From CTR To ZNY Pref
Attention Users! If the preferred route has a green background with a in the "ZNY Pref" column, then that route is a VATSIM New York ARTCC preferred route and should be used over any other FAA preferred (no ) routes. This statement does not preclude the controller from using FAA preferred routes if the pilot requests it, if none of the ZNY routes fit the aircraft type or altitude requested, or it is advantageous to do so for other reasons.

SIDs and STARs are dependent on AIRAC (Aeronautical Information Regulation And Control) cycle updates. These updates will be annotated by "#" succeeding the name of the procedure in the list. The reason for this modification is to avoid having to update the route routinely. On VATSIM, SIDs and STARs would normally be annotated like this: "LGA4" or "HAARP3".
1.) Evaluate the flight plan for accuracy.
    Is the destination airport within the New York ARTCC or a Tier 1 Destination (more information can be found here)? If yes, then the routing should be verbatim from the PRD.
    Is the destination airport more than one ARTCC away from the origin airport? If yes, then routing can have slight variances from the PRD. For example, a route from JFK to MIA may be WAVEY EMJAY J174 or WHITE J209 etc. As long as the initial route string is correct, then it is fine.
2.) Attempt to reroute the pilot via the PRD if a rerouting is necessary.
Ask the pilot if he or she can accept a reroute. If yes, then issue the reroute. If no, proceed to step 3.
3.) Issue the clearance.

In all cases if a pilot is too new to accept an amended clearance, coordinate with the proper controllers as necessary for the pilot to fly "as filed."

Controller Actions

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Expected ATC Coverage

Mon 27 Jan
Sun 02 Feb
Punxsutawney Phil(adelphia)
13:00 - 15:59
Fri 07 Feb
Northeast Corridor FNO
19:00 - 23:00
Tue 18 Feb
Tuesday Nights in NY - ISP
19:00 - 22:00
(Times in NY Local - ATC Coverage shown for next 3 days)

Active Solo Certs
