New York Center
JFK Airport
LGA Airport
EWR Airport
PHL Airport

EWR Moving to PHL

Dear members of the virtual New York ARTCC,

We would like to inform you that the real world Newark (EWR) area of the N90 TRACON will be moving to the Philadelphia Tracon (PHL) effective April 18th. What does this mean for us on VATSIM? Procedure wise, not much changes as far as we understand so far. The rough flows, airspace delegation, and published procedures remain the same. The biggest change is the callsign we use will no longer be “New York Approach/Departure,” but now will be “Philadelphia Approach/Departure.”  We understand that this transition may require some adjustment on your part, but we assure you that our team has been working diligently to ensure a smooth transition as we continue to learn more about this change. There is also a realworld plan in place to further minimize N90, by giving CSK, and ISP to ZBW, and the LIB Area of N90 to Area B of ZNY, and Area A of ZNY will go to ZDC. We don't have any set dates confirmed for those changes yet. We believe it will happen sometime during the summer, because of these changes the ARTCC will eventually change name from the “New York” ARTCC, to the “Philadelphia” ARTCC with the callsign “Philadelphia Center.” Please don't hesitate to reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Best regards,
The Future Philadelphia ARTCC team


Happy April fools…

Author: Logan Waldman | Posted: 2023-03-31 23:15:37 (Updated at 2023-04-07 21:46:42)

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